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School Mental Health Services for Adolescents
This volume provides a range of expert guidance on implementation of school mental health services in secondary schools. The significance of this information cannot be overstated, as only 20% of children and adolescents who need such services receive them. Schools are a logical venue for service provision because emotional and behavioral problems interfere with academic achievement, and a lack of access to mental health services is a major barrier to treatment for youth. Authors discuss services that can be implemented by school-based professionals and methods of overcoming implementation barriers. Chapters cover the history and need for services, issues of identification and referral for treatment in schools, descriptions of evidence-based interventions, proposed service delivery models, assessment strategies, and integration of mental health programs in schools.
A Practical Guide to Implementing School-Based Interventions for Adolescents with ADHD
This volume details counseling interventions for the academic and social impairments experienced by secondary students with ADHD. It addresses the continuing debate over counseling youths with ADHD by identifying key elements common to reputable therapies and suggesting a framework for their successful implementation. The core of the book focuses on the Challenging Horizons Program (CHP), a behavioral and solutions-focused approach to counseling adolescents with ADHD that has been studied extensively for more than 20 years. The CHP is an evidence-based practice, based largely on the research conducted by the authors.
A free preview of the book is available here.